Lung Disease, Symptoms, and Causes

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Various Kinds of Lung Diseases and Causes

lung disease first was pneumonia. Pneumonia in medical terms is called with pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria known as Streptococcus pneumonia.

If the bacteria have attacked your lungs, the symptoms are usually experienced by people such as tightness in the chest, loss of consciousness, seizures, vomiting of blood, pain in the chest. Well, if you ever find these symptoms, it is good to you immediately check up to the doctors.

Lung diseases are the second is emfisia. What it emfisia? Perhaps the name of medical terminology is still unfamiliar to you. Emfisia is a disorder of the lungs that is usually caused damage to the alveoli of the lungs.

When the disorder is attacking your body, the symptoms that you will feel is that you will often experience difficulty in breathing, vomiting of blood, and shortness of breath. Emfisia is mostly going to attack people who really like with cigarettes or heavy smokers. So, for those of you who feel very like with cigarettes, be careful because emfisia may attack you at any time.

Various Kinds of Lung Diseases and Symptoms

Various kinds of lung diseases and symptoms - a lung disease that is the fourth active tuberculosis or better known as tuberculosis. This disease is a lung disease that can be transmitted from the disease caused by the bacteria mycobacterium tubercolusis.

Symptoms felt by the patient are high fever, especially in the mornings and afternoons, coughing accompanied by vomiting of blood, and even make a living passion be decreased so that the weight plunged precipitously.

When you notice these symptoms, it helps you step directly consult a doctor in order to get further treatment. This disease usually happens because people are less able to maintain hygiene, stress, and has a pattern of unhealthy living.

Lung disease which further lung cancer. Of course, of some disorder in the lungs which have been mentioned above, lung cancer is the most dangerous because it can cause the sufferer dies presumed dead.

Lung cancer usually can strike people who like to do bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, people are exposed to radiation chemistry, or people who daily work at the plant chemicals.

Symptoms of lung cancer in almost the same with lung disorders others, namely: tightness in the chest, blood vomiting, pain in the chest, and easy fatigue, and weight down with drastic.

Once you know a few disturbances in the lungs, you can overcome the disease or prevention by conducting regular and healthy lifestyle.

You can start to avoid bad habits such as smoking and alcohol, wear a mask if you must be in direct contact with chemicals, do not stress, eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and many more.

Is not it when you can prevent the disease will feel better than you have to treat it. Good information about the kinds of lung disease over the useful for readers.