Diseases and Disorders In Human Circulatory System

Sunday, September 11, 2011



Anemia, or commonly referred to as blood deficiency disease is one type of disease that is often experienced by some people. Blood shortage here does not mean the number of your blood decreases. But the amount of hemoglobin contained in red blood cells you declined. This will result in the binding of oxygen in the blood is reduced.

If the hemoglobin can not bind oxygen well, it will disrupt the metabolic system in your body. Usually people who are anemic would look pale, limp, easy dizziness, lackluster and many more. Anemia can be caused by a lack of iron, vitamin b12, acid float, childbirth, accidents and more.


Diseases and disorders of the circulatory system is leukemia or may hereinafter also referred to as blood cancer. The disease is caused by the growth of white blood cell that is excessive or too high exceeding the normal amount that attacks the cells around it like red blood cells. Leukemia is a disease that is quite deadly.

The disease is caused by a viral infection, radiation, radioactive, hazardous chemical substance consumption and still others. The symptoms caused by this disease include bleeding in the nose or frequent nosebleeds, skin becomes pale, limp, fever at night and others.


Perhaps for this disease has been a lot of people knew it. Hypertension or high blood pressure is already very easy to meet. Especially for parents who berumuran 30 years and over. The risk of hypertension is high. High blood pressure is usually systole blood pressure exceeds 140 mmHg and 90 mmHg diastolic.

Causes of hypertension include unhealthy lifestyle, stress, obesity, kidney disease, heredity and many more. If not treated properly, hypertension can lead to other dangerous diseases. Such as receipts, kidney, heart attack and others.


In addition there is hypertension hypotension. Hypotension is the opposite of hypertension. If hypertension high blood pressure, if hypotension low blood pressure. Mean blood pressure systole and distolenya lower than normal pressure.

People who have low blood pressure, will be quick, easy dizziness, fatigue and the like do not have the energy. This often occurs in people who are pregnant, bleeding, menstrual and many more. To cope with diseases of the circulatory system and can pencegahnya by eating foods that contain lots of iron and blood booster foods.

In addition to the four diseases of the blood circulation that I mentioned above, there are also other types of disease. Such as varicose veins, heart disease, hemophilia, multiple sclerosis and many others. To overcome the problem of circulatory disease, you can try to always keep a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods and high in protein, iron and vitamins that much. A few articles this time, may be able to provide useful information for you.