In the Skin Diseases and Causes and Prevention Method

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Leather is one of the body surface that has many functions include the protective layer of the body part that can not be protected. Just imagine if there is no skin then all circulation in the human body is able to see and certainly cause discomfort.

Besides the skin is also able to be a support for one's beauty. A person with beautiful skin, clean and healthy are usually more attractive than someone who has a disease of the skin. Therefore many ways in which to obtain a healthy skin, a beautiful and attractive and be able to avoid the various diseases of the skin that may be Timbu


But there are also many people who did not heed his skin condition giving rise to various diseases in human skin ranging from mild illness such as itching, such as tinea versicolor, scabies, ringworm until the disease is a serious bit like ulcers, measles, chickenpox, herpes and other diseases ,

The more skin diseases are usually caused by lack of clean lifestyle that makes the skin susceptible to viruses and bacteria that led to various diseases and skin problems.

Habits Cause Skin Disease

Unwittingly diseases of the skin and cause actually gained from our habits everyday are less concerned about the cleanliness as less keeping the environment around us, less intense in cleansing the body, never change clothes or have a habit of wearing it many times, rarely change clothes whereas in underwear often absorb perspiration that can cause an itchy, dry when not dry off after a shower making the moist body and cause a lot of mold, use various equipment together as towels, soap and so forth.

Overcoming Natural Treatment Skin Diseases

If you've experienced a variety of skin diseases that then you can not keep silent about the disease. Although it does not make damage to the members of the body but the skin disease can reduce your appearance and your activities are very disturbing. You can treat skin diseases by using drugs itch ointments are available in pharmacies or drug stores around you.

Meanwhile, if you want a herbal treatment you can create your own potion at home. For minor ailments such as ulcers, hives, skin fungus, scabies, ringworm and so you can use a decoction of the leaves Biduri and coconut oil are heated then applied to the skin is problematic, after dry cleaned with warm water or alcohol 70%.

As for severe diseases such as herpes, you can use the leaves of the gods that have been pulverized and olive oil and then rubbed on the affected skin herpes.

Lightweight Habits Prevent Disease In Leather

But instead you treat various diseases of the skin, there are habits that you can do daily to prevent problems on your skin. Diseases of the skin and how to prevent it you can do from such habits;

1. Changing sheets, bedcovers and your personal gear regularly minimum 1x a week

2. Shower least 2x a day except when you are sick, the important thing is always cleanse your body

3. Do not use personal equipment together

4. Using a protective skin that is not exposed to direct exposure to UV rays

5. Always keep your environment so as to reduce the risk of skin rashes.