Signs Heart Disease in Women and Men

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

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Signs of heart disease in women is not typical and difficult to detect and different from men. Therefore, there are some symptoms that you must consider. First, pain in the left chest was missing and raised. Pain in one or both arms, neck, upper back or jaw is not clear why. Pain regions heartburn, shortness tasted like belt.

Besides signs of heart disease in men include pain and tightness in the chest is unbearable, the pain spread to the shoulders, neck and arms quickly. Pain experienced is also constant or fixed. Pain can also be shifted to the upper abdomen and jaw. Besides pain in the body also can not be left unpunished. Besides excessive sweating and body temperature changed dramatically because of their heart attack.

Signs The Heart Disease in Infants and Kanak Kanak

Heart disease in adults but to attack either men or women, heart disease is also attacking the child and infant child. This heart disease is nothing innate from birth or indicated after a child or infant child.

Signs of heart disease in infants is usually indicated by the color of the baby's body is blue or cyanotic. Besides these abnormalities seen when the baby breathe and audible noise, trouble breathing during feeding and impaired growth.

Indications of heart defects or heart disease can also be seen when a child child. Signs of heart disease in childhood will be very visible when the child when the child is experiencing pain or complaints in the chest. If this is the case needs to be watched.

Children who experience heart disease could also be because since the baby had suffered cardiac abnormalities detected but only when their child a child. When newborn visible difficulty breathing while feeding or short short breath should immediately ask the doctor to perform an X-ray of the heart in infants.

Signs mark the outline of heart disease in men is almost the same dna women. Generally they had complaints of pain in the chest and then spread to other body parts. Especially the upper body ie neck, back and arms. If until the stomach is also the upper abdomen.

Signs of heart problems such as these are required to be considered because it can cause heart attacks are sudden and result in death. Surely death from heart attack is an attack the most deadly diseases because it attacks the vital organs of human life.

Recognize the Signs and Symptoms of Mental Disorders People Around You

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Signs of mental disorders can be seen from the symptoms of mental disorders are the result of complex interactions between elements of somatic, psychological and sociocultural. This is the real symptoms of decompensated signifies adaptation process and are mainly thoughts, feelings and behavior (Maramis, 1990).

Mental disorders and mental illness in the early stages signs are difficult to distinguish, even it is sometimes descry symptoms in normal people who are depressed emotions within certain limits. In the early stages difficult to distinguish the symptoms of the mental disorder common symptoms that appear mengenahi state of physical, mental and emotional.
Causes of mental disorders vary and in some cases are not clear, and the theory sometimes ambiguous discoveries in a field scope. Service remedy this disease is concentrated in Mental Hospital or in a social community, and ratings given by a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, and the psychologist sometimes voluntary workers, using some variation of the method but often relies on observation and debriefing. Clinical care provided by mental health professions. Psychotherapy and psychiatric medication are two common treatment options, as well as social intervention, support the environment, and help themselves. In some cases of detentions of forced or involuntary treatment in which the law allows. Stigma or discrimination can increase the burden and disability associated with mental disorders (or diagnosed mental disorder or are considered to have mental kelainian), which will Mengara to various social movements in order to improve pemahanan and prevent social exclusion
Definition and classification of mental disorders is key for researchers as well as service providers and those who may be diagnosed. Most international clinical documents use the term mental disorder. There are two systems that classify mental disorders ICD-10 Chapter V: Mental and behavioral disorders, part of the International Classification of Diseases published by the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) published by Psychiatric Association (APA)

Miscellaneous The Strange Psychology Mental Disorders

Physicians Health – Psychological Disorder is a disorder in the way of thinking (cognitive), volition (volition), emotional (affective), behavioral (psychomotor). From various studies it can be said that the Psychological Disorder is a collection of conditions that are not normal, either related to the physical, and the mental.


The abnormality was divided into two groups, namely neurological disorders (Neurosis) and mental disorders (psychosis). Abnormality seen in a wide variety of symptoms Notable among them is the tension (tension), despair, depressed, anxiety, worry, compulsive behavior, hysteria, weakness, unable to reach the destination, fear, negative thoughts and so on
There are so many types of disturbances in thinking (cognitive), to make it easier to understand the experts classify cognition into 6 parts, sensation, perception, attention, memory, association of mind awareness. Each has a diverse disorders.
Examples of cognitive decline in the perception of feeling heard prompting to do something or hallucinations seeing ghosts, while others who normally do not see. Traditional people may regard this as evil spirits, but actually it is a psychological disorder.
Examples willingness disorder in which patients have weak willpower difficulty making decisions or initiate behavior, the patient is hard to get up in the morning, shower, take care of yourself so that it looks dirty, smelly and disheveled. Lots of these types of disorders ranging from frequent willingness to steal items that have symbolic meaning to do something that is contrary to the instructions.
Examples of emotional disorders in which patients feel happy, excited excessive (Supposition greatness). Patients feel as important, as the king, businessman, rich, bead king, and so on. But at other times he can feel very sad, crying, helpless (depression) until there is an idea of ending his life.
Examples of psychomotor disorders are hyperactivity, excessive patient performs the movement up on the tile, running, walking back and forth, jumping jacks, doing anything that was not ordered or oppose what they were told, long pause does not move or do strange movements. Based on the symptoms appear.
Various mental disorders strange psychology:
  1. Cartacoethes
    the pressure can not be controlled to see maps everywhere, the human brain has the ability (which is fast enough of course) to get to know the face anywhere, but this ability can be changed in a strange mania commonly called cartocacoethes.
  2. Gamomania
    Gamomania could be described as a strange obsession that invites people to marry or propose marriage to different people at the same time, which in many cases lead to polygamy
  3. Onomatomania
    It is an obsession repeating specific words because words were troubling the patient.
  4. Climomania
    no problem actually want to nap longer, especially if sick. Create Clinomaniac (climomania patients), the desire to be in the mattress is redundant and can be up all day, especially if the weather is cold. Climomania comes from the Greek meaning the obsession to bed. In other words, this means that the mania in love with mattresses, pillows and blankets.
  5. Demonomania
    There are many horror films and books are very creepy (Sounds), see the film as it naturally could make the audience scared some people. And usually when people are afraid, mania began to penetrate. If the deal with the devil (demon), could be the one that suffers demonomania, psychological condition believed he followed the devil. And when someone thinks he digentayangi, he started really believing there were demons nearby.
  6. Enosimania
    Enosimania is pressure to think a person has made a mistake or criticized inexcusable, also known by several other names such as Enissophobia, Enosiophobia, afraid of making a big mistake and fear of criticism. The symptoms are usually short of breath and fast, erratic heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and of course a great fear.
  7. Trichotillomania
    Trichotillomania, or better known as trich, is a reflex movement disorders in the form of mortification indicated by repeatedly pulling hair, eyelashes, nose hair, pubic hair (Jove), eyebrows or other hair, sometimes causing baldness.
  8. Ablutomania
    Wash hands after the toilet is not a problem, but wash your hands after a few seconds can be a problem. Patients abutomania is usually very frightened by the gross. Yet dare dirty the better, right?
  9. Aboulomania
    We have all experienced situations where it is difficult to make a choice, but imagine if we could not make a decision that even very simple, life as unbearable. Aboulomania can be defined as a disease of hesitation or inability of a person to decide any issues.
  10. Doromania
    Many people like to give gifts, and most people would be happy with such an obsession. Doromania encouragement or pleasure is not normal to give gifts, sufferers obsess choosing and giving gifts, but not for a good cause or because they are very generous. But because other things are more complex

Treatment of Mental Disorders

Although not a major cause of death, according to Dr. Vijay Chandra, Health and Behaviour Advisor of WHO South East Asia Region (WHO-SEARO), mental disorders are the main cause of disability (incapacity, disability) in the most productive age group between 15-44 years


What needs to be done and how to prevent and treat mental disorders?
The family can not bear any relatives suffering from mental disorders. Where the social impact is very serious form of rejection, exclusion and discrimination.
Similarly, the economic impact caused by the loss of productive day to make a living for patients and families to care for and care costs to be borne by the family and society. Therefore, requiring treatment as early as possible so that the symptoms are caused not develop into chronic mental disorders.
People with mental disorders, either schizophrenia or psychosis actually still be helped. Requirement treatment is good and not too late. If the conditions were met 25 percent of people with schizophrenia can be cured. It does not mean a full recovery, because of the sensitivity to be disturbed again in schizophrenic patients is greater than normal people. However, psychotic disorders caused by abnormal brain anatomy fully recovered because most are temporary.
Early symptoms of people suffering from psychosis is very much his form did not involve physical condition, can include feelings of suspicion, depression, anxiety, feelings volatile atmosphere, tense, touchy, or angry for no apparent reason.
It could also arise cognitive disorders such strange thoughts, feel floating, difficulty concentrating or memory loss. Disruption of sleep patterns, change in appetite, weight vague complaints essentially, loss of energy or motivation will among other symptoms to watch.
When the symptoms have been identified, according to Prof. Sasanto, one important point to start treatment is the family the courage to accept the fact. They should also be aware that mental disorders that require treatment so it does not need to be connected the trust of all sorts. Therapy for patients with mental disorders not only the provision of drugs and medical rehabilitation, however, the role of families and communities needed to resocialization and prevention of recurrence
Some of them to deal with a family suffering from mental disorders :
  • psychopharmacology
    Handling people with mental disorders in this manner is to provide drug therapy that will be aimed at disfunction neuro-transmitter that clinical symptoms can be removed earlier. Drug therapy is administered in a relatively long period of time, months and even years.
  • psychotherapy
    Psychiatric therapy should be given if the patient has been given psikofarmaka therapy and has reached the stage where the ability to assess the reality has been recovered and have good self-understanding. Psychotherapy is an assortment of shapes including a Supportive psychotherapy intended to give encouragement, enthusiasm and motivation so that the patient does not feel desperate and fighting spirit.
    Psychotherapy Re-eduktif intended to provide reeducation which means correct errors of education in the past, psychotherapy reconstructive intended to restore personalities who have suffered cracks become personality intact as it was before the illness, cognitive psychology, intended to restore cognitive function (thinking and memory), so people are able to distinguish rational moral values ethics. Behavioral psychotherapy intended to restore the disturbed behavior disorders into behaviors that can adapt, family psychotherapy intended to restore the patient and his family (Maramis, 1990)
  • Psychosocial therapy
    With this therapy the patient is meant to be able to re-adapt to the social environment and able to care for themselves, capable of self does not depend on others so it is not a burden on the family. Patients during this psychosocial therapy should still keep taking medication psikofarmaka (Hawari, 2007).
  • therapy Psikoreligius
    This religious therapy in the form of religious rituals such as prayer, praying, mamanjatkan hymns to God, religious lectures, study of scriptures. According to Ramachandran in Joseph (2007), has said a series of epilepsy patients post penenelitian against mostly revealed spiritual experience so that everything feels be annihilated and find the ultimate truth is not experienced by the ordinary mind was adjacent to the divine light.
  • Rehabilitation
    The rehabilitation program is important as a preparation for the reinstatement kekeluarga and society. The program is usually carried out in the institution (institution) rehabilitation for example in a mental hospital. In a rehabilitation program conducted various activities, among others; with group therapy aimed at freeing people from stress and can help in order to understand the apparent cause of trouble and help them build a defense mechanism better and accepted by the family and the community, run religious worship together, art classes and physical therapy in the form of sports, skill , a wide variety of courses, farming, recreation (Maramis, 1990). In general, this rehabilitation program lasts between 3-6 months. Periodically evaluated at least twice that evaluation before patient rehabilitation program and evaluation at the time the patient will be returned to the family and to society (Hawari, 2007). Besides the role of the family is also important, family is the people who are very close to the patient and is considered the most widely know as well as the patient’s condition is considered the most much influence on patients. So the family is very important in the treatment and cure of patients. (Joseph, 2007).

Benefits of Drinking Water Warm Health For Human Body

Drinking plenty of water and regularly can keep the immune system and can also be used as a skin treatment. But other than that of drinking water, especially drinking warm water can also provide some excellent benefits for the body. Drinking warm water is one that can be used to warm the body. Not only that, the benefits of the warm water even highly favorable to health.


Much is made of warm water, you can make coffee, milk, tea, and others. Of course all the ingredients are added to the warm water will also provide its own benefits according to what ingredients are added.

But, without any additional material or simply with warm water, can still give you the benefit that is extraordinary. Benefits of the warm water can also be felt when you drink warm water regularly.

Drinking warm water can provide benefits that are beneficial to health. The benefits of drinking warm water can be used to heal and also keeping from various diseases. Be it a disease with a high risk or a disease that can be found everyday.

The benefits of drinking warm water not only to warm cold when the rainy season or during the winter, but of course you can use to cure colds and coughs are usually often attack your body at all times. Another thing from a warm drink can also help you to lose weight in order to achieve the minimum weight.

In addition to the warm drinking water is beneficial to stimulate your bowel movements. When you drink in the morning can make your bowel movements more smoothly so as to make digestion more smoothly.

So warm water can also help you when you are affected by constipation. Benefits of the warm water is also considered very beneficial to cleanse the toxins in your body that makes you healthier. So by constantly consume warm water every morning can make you healthier.

Diseases and Disorders In Human Circulatory System

Sunday, September 11, 2011



Anemia, or commonly referred to as blood deficiency disease is one type of disease that is often experienced by some people. Blood shortage here does not mean the number of your blood decreases. But the amount of hemoglobin contained in red blood cells you declined. This will result in the binding of oxygen in the blood is reduced.

If the hemoglobin can not bind oxygen well, it will disrupt the metabolic system in your body. Usually people who are anemic would look pale, limp, easy dizziness, lackluster and many more. Anemia can be caused by a lack of iron, vitamin b12, acid float, childbirth, accidents and more.


Diseases and disorders of the circulatory system is leukemia or may hereinafter also referred to as blood cancer. The disease is caused by the growth of white blood cell that is excessive or too high exceeding the normal amount that attacks the cells around it like red blood cells. Leukemia is a disease that is quite deadly.

The disease is caused by a viral infection, radiation, radioactive, hazardous chemical substance consumption and still others. The symptoms caused by this disease include bleeding in the nose or frequent nosebleeds, skin becomes pale, limp, fever at night and others.


Perhaps for this disease has been a lot of people knew it. Hypertension or high blood pressure is already very easy to meet. Especially for parents who berumuran 30 years and over. The risk of hypertension is high. High blood pressure is usually systole blood pressure exceeds 140 mmHg and 90 mmHg diastolic.

Causes of hypertension include unhealthy lifestyle, stress, obesity, kidney disease, heredity and many more. If not treated properly, hypertension can lead to other dangerous diseases. Such as receipts, kidney, heart attack and others.


In addition there is hypertension hypotension. Hypotension is the opposite of hypertension. If hypertension high blood pressure, if hypotension low blood pressure. Mean blood pressure systole and distolenya lower than normal pressure.

People who have low blood pressure, will be quick, easy dizziness, fatigue and the like do not have the energy. This often occurs in people who are pregnant, bleeding, menstrual and many more. To cope with diseases of the circulatory system and can pencegahnya by eating foods that contain lots of iron and blood booster foods.

In addition to the four diseases of the blood circulation that I mentioned above, there are also other types of disease. Such as varicose veins, heart disease, hemophilia, multiple sclerosis and many others. To overcome the problem of circulatory disease, you can try to always keep a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods and high in protein, iron and vitamins that much. A few articles this time, may be able to provide useful information for you.

Lung Disease, Symptoms, and Causes

Various Kinds of Lung Diseases and Causes

lung disease first was pneumonia. Pneumonia in medical terms is called with pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria known as Streptococcus pneumonia.

If the bacteria have attacked your lungs, the symptoms are usually experienced by people such as tightness in the chest, loss of consciousness, seizures, vomiting of blood, pain in the chest. Well, if you ever find these symptoms, it is good to you immediately check up to the doctors.

Lung diseases are the second is emfisia. What it emfisia? Perhaps the name of medical terminology is still unfamiliar to you. Emfisia is a disorder of the lungs that is usually caused damage to the alveoli of the lungs.

When the disorder is attacking your body, the symptoms that you will feel is that you will often experience difficulty in breathing, vomiting of blood, and shortness of breath. Emfisia is mostly going to attack people who really like with cigarettes or heavy smokers. So, for those of you who feel very like with cigarettes, be careful because emfisia may attack you at any time.

Various Kinds of Lung Diseases and Symptoms

Various kinds of lung diseases and symptoms - a lung disease that is the fourth active tuberculosis or better known as tuberculosis. This disease is a lung disease that can be transmitted from the disease caused by the bacteria mycobacterium tubercolusis.

Symptoms felt by the patient are high fever, especially in the mornings and afternoons, coughing accompanied by vomiting of blood, and even make a living passion be decreased so that the weight plunged precipitously.

When you notice these symptoms, it helps you step directly consult a doctor in order to get further treatment. This disease usually happens because people are less able to maintain hygiene, stress, and has a pattern of unhealthy living.

Lung disease which further lung cancer. Of course, of some disorder in the lungs which have been mentioned above, lung cancer is the most dangerous because it can cause the sufferer dies presumed dead.

Lung cancer usually can strike people who like to do bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, people are exposed to radiation chemistry, or people who daily work at the plant chemicals.

Symptoms of lung cancer in almost the same with lung disorders others, namely: tightness in the chest, blood vomiting, pain in the chest, and easy fatigue, and weight down with drastic.

Once you know a few disturbances in the lungs, you can overcome the disease or prevention by conducting regular and healthy lifestyle.

You can start to avoid bad habits such as smoking and alcohol, wear a mask if you must be in direct contact with chemicals, do not stress, eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and many more.

Is not it when you can prevent the disease will feel better than you have to treat it. Good information about the kinds of lung disease over the useful for readers.