Treatment of Mental Disorders

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Although not a major cause of death, according to Dr. Vijay Chandra, Health and Behaviour Advisor of WHO South East Asia Region (WHO-SEARO), mental disorders are the main cause of disability (incapacity, disability) in the most productive age group between 15-44 years


What needs to be done and how to prevent and treat mental disorders?
The family can not bear any relatives suffering from mental disorders. Where the social impact is very serious form of rejection, exclusion and discrimination.
Similarly, the economic impact caused by the loss of productive day to make a living for patients and families to care for and care costs to be borne by the family and society. Therefore, requiring treatment as early as possible so that the symptoms are caused not develop into chronic mental disorders.
People with mental disorders, either schizophrenia or psychosis actually still be helped. Requirement treatment is good and not too late. If the conditions were met 25 percent of people with schizophrenia can be cured. It does not mean a full recovery, because of the sensitivity to be disturbed again in schizophrenic patients is greater than normal people. However, psychotic disorders caused by abnormal brain anatomy fully recovered because most are temporary.
Early symptoms of people suffering from psychosis is very much his form did not involve physical condition, can include feelings of suspicion, depression, anxiety, feelings volatile atmosphere, tense, touchy, or angry for no apparent reason.
It could also arise cognitive disorders such strange thoughts, feel floating, difficulty concentrating or memory loss. Disruption of sleep patterns, change in appetite, weight vague complaints essentially, loss of energy or motivation will among other symptoms to watch.
When the symptoms have been identified, according to Prof. Sasanto, one important point to start treatment is the family the courage to accept the fact. They should also be aware that mental disorders that require treatment so it does not need to be connected the trust of all sorts. Therapy for patients with mental disorders not only the provision of drugs and medical rehabilitation, however, the role of families and communities needed to resocialization and prevention of recurrence
Some of them to deal with a family suffering from mental disorders :
  • psychopharmacology
    Handling people with mental disorders in this manner is to provide drug therapy that will be aimed at disfunction neuro-transmitter that clinical symptoms can be removed earlier. Drug therapy is administered in a relatively long period of time, months and even years.
  • psychotherapy
    Psychiatric therapy should be given if the patient has been given psikofarmaka therapy and has reached the stage where the ability to assess the reality has been recovered and have good self-understanding. Psychotherapy is an assortment of shapes including a Supportive psychotherapy intended to give encouragement, enthusiasm and motivation so that the patient does not feel desperate and fighting spirit.
    Psychotherapy Re-eduktif intended to provide reeducation which means correct errors of education in the past, psychotherapy reconstructive intended to restore personalities who have suffered cracks become personality intact as it was before the illness, cognitive psychology, intended to restore cognitive function (thinking and memory), so people are able to distinguish rational moral values ethics. Behavioral psychotherapy intended to restore the disturbed behavior disorders into behaviors that can adapt, family psychotherapy intended to restore the patient and his family (Maramis, 1990)
  • Psychosocial therapy
    With this therapy the patient is meant to be able to re-adapt to the social environment and able to care for themselves, capable of self does not depend on others so it is not a burden on the family. Patients during this psychosocial therapy should still keep taking medication psikofarmaka (Hawari, 2007).
  • therapy Psikoreligius
    This religious therapy in the form of religious rituals such as prayer, praying, mamanjatkan hymns to God, religious lectures, study of scriptures. According to Ramachandran in Joseph (2007), has said a series of epilepsy patients post penenelitian against mostly revealed spiritual experience so that everything feels be annihilated and find the ultimate truth is not experienced by the ordinary mind was adjacent to the divine light.
  • Rehabilitation
    The rehabilitation program is important as a preparation for the reinstatement kekeluarga and society. The program is usually carried out in the institution (institution) rehabilitation for example in a mental hospital. In a rehabilitation program conducted various activities, among others; with group therapy aimed at freeing people from stress and can help in order to understand the apparent cause of trouble and help them build a defense mechanism better and accepted by the family and the community, run religious worship together, art classes and physical therapy in the form of sports, skill , a wide variety of courses, farming, recreation (Maramis, 1990). In general, this rehabilitation program lasts between 3-6 months. Periodically evaluated at least twice that evaluation before patient rehabilitation program and evaluation at the time the patient will be returned to the family and to society (Hawari, 2007). Besides the role of the family is also important, family is the people who are very close to the patient and is considered the most widely know as well as the patient’s condition is considered the most much influence on patients. So the family is very important in the treatment and cure of patients. (Joseph, 2007).