For her probation violation charge, Paris Hilton is scheduled to appear on court on may 4. The police caught Paris driving with a suspended license (probation for alcohol-induced reckless driving) on February 27, and she can face up to 90 days behind bars.
Can't they lock her up for the next 20 years please??:D

Posh World
Dear Victoria Beckham comes out to say the Beckhams are not making a reality show about their move to Los Angeles....oh NOOO... the Becks are way too classy for that...they are making a documentary...
In the meantime Victoria may be getting into the TV show Dancing With The Stars...

Hit show Grey's Anatomy received an award for outstanding individual episode by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). The show won for its episode "Where the Boys Are".
I'm sure homophobic Isaiah Washington is just SO glad with that award!!!Hi Hii!!!!